
SDL Cerdeco
ook in 5 cm
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handvorm tegel.
verkrijgbaar in 13 en 10 cm.

The tiles appeared as illustrations in the Volkskrant for the series 'der Nederlanden' van Wagendorp and De Rek, later collected in the book De Encyclopedie der Nederlanden.The collection of tiles was previously shown during exhibitions in Otterlo and Amsterdam.On the occasion of the exhibition in Geldermalsen, the production of Ien van Laanens very popular baked tiles resumes.This new old Dutch in the traditional way by SDLcerdecomanufactured tiles can be purchased here.

For the 13x13 tiles, SDL Cerdeco uses hand-formed white glossy tiles. Due to their irregular character and small imperfections, this is the ideal carrier for the illustrations by Ien van Laanen. SDL Cerdeco uses an advanced printing process with ceramic glazes after which the tiles are baked at high temperature. This guarantees a full-fledged ceramic tile. On request, the old Dutch tiles are also available blank

Materiaal: keramiek
vorm: tegel
Kleur: wit
Gemaakt door: Ien van Laanen
Afmetingen: 13 cm